ESX Digital Academy

Easy Signup

To join the academy and start learning, please join through our easy signup.

Responsive Layout

Mobile or PC, choose your device that’s convenient to you as the Academy is built to be responsive for all devices.

Browse Modules

After Signing up, you can browse all 10 Modules to see the courses included in each Module.

Enroll to Begin

Enroll to Module 1 to begin your learning experience. Make sure you mark each course as Completed in order to advance to the next Module.

Interactive Exercises

All Modules have several Interactive Exercises that will allow you measure your understanding of the course material.

Prerequisite Modules

All Modules after Module 1 have the previous Module as a Prerequisite. Kindly finalize all prerequisite Module in order to advance to the following Modules.

Get Certified

Upon the completion of all 10 Modules, you will receive a Certificate in your email signed by the CEO of ESX.



Laptop responsive design
Tablet responsive design
Smart phone responsive design

Sign-up Today and Enroll to Our Modules to begin Your Journey

About the Academy

Education & Awareness

Enhancing understanding of the role of capital markets, the ESX, and the functions and operations that underpin a vibrant financial ecosystem.

Capacity Building

Addressing knowledge and skill gaps among financial market professionals, investors, and the public to support active and informed participation.

Financial Literacy and Inclusion

Promoting widespread financial literacy to drive greater inclusion and create opportunities for Ethiopians to benefit from capital market developments.

Job Creation and Sustainability

Supporting job creation in the financial sector while building a knowledgeable and empowered stakeholder base to ensure the long-term success of ESX and the Ethiopian Capital Markets.

Education and Awareness
Capacity Building
Financial Literacy and Inclusion
Job Creation and Sustainability




Browse Our Free Courses

Our Presenters

All 10 Modules are Presented by the Following Panel of Certified Experts

ESX Academy Partners

ESX Academy is brought to you through the partnership of

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